Fans Concerned about the Direction of Marvel Studios

Fans Concerned about the Direction of Marvel Studios Chances are, you've heard of Marvel movies. Considering that it is the highest grossing franchise ever, making a collective 26.7 billion dollars , you would have to be living under a rock not to. These superhero films have killed it in theaters for years now, pulling in all types of viewers from the casual and occasional moviegoer to the comic book mega nerd. Confidentially, I may be considered one of these nerds. I would never have imagined I would fall in love with a superhero blockbuster franchise, but the more I saw them in theaters, the more in love I became. Now, I am among the many fans of marvel films who eagerly await the next release. Marvel can attribute a lot of its success to its amazingly simple value proposition. Marvel makes family friendly films (and recently, TV shows) based on classic comic book characters. Many of these characters are already known and loved by the public. These films also have the ...